The Athasian Cartographers’ Guild Relaunch
After a long time serving a solely archival purpose, the Athasian Cartographers’ Guild website has been extensively redesigned and relaunched in conjunction with the Pristine Tower Development Group’s efforts to expand the setting on a global scale using canon (both public and never-released sources) and popular fanon sources. New, lore-corrected maps of the core regions and surroundings are available, and more are in the process of finalization. Many other maps are being discussed and outlined.
I spent a good two months on the redesign and coding this summer, with many more man-hours going into actually painting the site graphics, and am very happy with the results. If you’re into the Dark Sun setting, or just like maps of fantasy worlds, come check it out!
Coming Soon…
Patreon Project Down!
After quite some time of attempting to encourage and grow interest in the Patreon project, including altering the Patreon towards producing battlemaps and paper minis for tabletop and electronic gaming and such in order to broaden the project’s appeal, and yet still gaining no foothold in terms of interest or financial benefit, I have decided to end the experiment as having less value than the time being put into it.
The various items produced for my patrons are now unavailable to the general public and will remain so. For those of you who provided patronage, I thank you for your interest and support!
Blood and Illumination
At the end of 2014, Wild Hunt Studios embarked on a new project, the creation of an illuminated manuscript titled Rose, Thorn, and Mist: Elves of the Bloodwood developed by way of patronage through the Patreon website. Patreon is based on the historical concept of patronage (very fitting, given the nature of this project!), allowing individuals to support artists and creators by pledging small donations in return for content — some artists are using Patreon for music, others for webcomics, maps, paintings, or even whole magazines.
At its heart, this project is a pseudo-travelogue about a grim enclave of elves, their forest homeland, and its history, based more on classic legends about the fey folk than on Tolkien’s own take on the same, done in an illuminated style of my own design. It is not specifically a game-related product and is not tied to any RPG system, but presents ideas that can be used for such, as well as enjoyed simply for pleasure and its aesthetics.
You can learn more about the project, and see the pages that have already been completed, by heading over to my Patreon page.
Illustration FO
Fight On! issue #9 has just come out and bears a cover by Raven, “One Charge Left”. You can buy the magazine here and see the full illustration here.