Fairies and Half-trolls and Liches, Oh My!
Over on Nerdwerds, a point was raised about letting players with wild character concepts play those characters, and play them as conceived rather than hosed versions of them. And it reminded me of a few times this has come up in my own gaming history as a GM.
Around a decade ago, for an on-line game I was DMing, our group had put out a call for new players. One of the applicants had a character concept he insisted I should give a chance, that it was “a great character”: a high level multi-class (rogue-cleric-mage) half-troll. The character could regenerate and the Ability scores were insane. I think there were some other bits that resulted in quirked eyebrows, but those things are what I recall.
I turned the character down for being much too powergame-y and didn’t think much about it.